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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Young Americans...

No, not the song, according to this article, some Americans are just not getting about HIV & their transmission rates are rising.  These people are between 13 -24 & just don't get it for some reason.

These people aren't only not paying attention to info on HIV, they're not getting tested.  Their chances of having HIV are higher & the odds of them knowing they're + are lower.  

The same fringe arguments can be presented here.  The further away from the mainstream, the more apt these kids are to catch HIV.  These are people that just don't know & may not care whether or not they have HIV.  They either think their lives are too screwed up to care about or that current medical treatments will make everything just hunky dory.  

This is just another reason why treatment alone is not a good answer.  Education is still a vital part in fighting HIV.  These young people are ignorant of their situation & this virus.   Education must be part of the war on HIV.


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