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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Frustration & Grogginess...

Suddenlink struck again last night & it's still  not behaving well.  As if my internet ever behaves well.  It went out a little after 8 last night & wasn't back on before I went to bed.  Admittedly, I was annoyed with the situation & opted just to go to bed instead of waiting for the possibility the net might return.  

There is such a thing as too much sleep & I got it last night.  I went to bed irritated with the internet & woke up very groggy & fuzzy.  It was a definite shift in my schedule.  I wound up not exercising this morning.  I was just a little too out of it to trust myself doing steps.  

I get upset when things interfere with my schedule.   Especially things that I pay for, like my net service.  It should just work.  I hate talking to those idiots at Suddenlink.  1st you get some generalized grunt who knows nothing, but still wastes 15 minutes of your time before sending you up the ladder to a level 2 stooge.  The stooge puts you through some hoops but really doesn't know any more than a monkey with a script.  Finally, you get sent all the way to the wizard or least an assistant.  At level 3, they finally deign to tell you that there's an outage in your area & they're working on it as fast as they can.  There went an hour of your life & a little bit of your soul sucked through the phone.

Hopefully, today will be better.


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