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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I am undertaking a new blog challenge.  Well, I'm altering one to suit me.  It is actually a 30 day drawing challenge.  I've altered it to fit writing, not that it was that much of an alteration.  The first days's challenge was to draw oneself.  Instead, I shall describe, myself.  

45 Points About Me Or My Life

  1. I was born in northeast Oklahoma, in a town called Mudville
  2. At that point, I had many relatives there
  3. My grandparents owned a local grocery
  4. I broke my first bone when I was two
  5. I was the 1st grandchild in proximity for three years
  6. I was my mother's fifth child & my father's first
  7. My parents were both heavy drinkers, who fought habitually & violently
  8. I've been around animals all my life
  9. When I was 8, they divorced
  10. I am the oldest boy & a middle child, of seven siblings
  11. We have never all lived together
  12. I have dozens of cousins, none of which I'm close to
  13. We moved a lot
  14. I had numerous schools & got used to being the new kid
  15. My mother left us with others places quite frequently, by 13, my mother had abandoned us
  16. Unfortunately she showed back up periodically
  17. I retreated into reading & listening to old albums & 45's
  18. I lived on my own for over half my teen years
  19. I've worked just about everything job you can in fast food
  20. I liked the music scene of the 80's
  21. I lived a month in Salt Lake with my father when I was 16
  22. I went to a lot of concerts
  23. I attended 3 colleges/universities
  24. I used college as a place to escape
  25. My grandparents forfeited on paying for my college
  26. I started out a business major, got an AA in humanties
  27. I have minors in English & Anthropology, a major in Sociology
  28. I have graduate degrees in Sociology & Education
  29. I have had very little contact with my family past 1986
  30. I became a club person, for years I was there nightly
  31. I am gay
  32. I am white of  Native American descent
  33. I can say a handful of words in Cherokee
  34. I've lost contact with almost everyone I knew in college
  35. I moved to where I live to help a friend, same said friend later bailed & here I still am
  36. About 7 years ago my father made contact
  37. He lives in Texas, we talk by phone, I won't ever trust him with anything inportant
  38. My mother passed when I was 44
  39. I was relieved at the news of her passing, that chaos was dead
  40. I'm not a fan of extreme weather
  41. I have cats
  42. I live with a room mate
  43. I am on disability
  44. I am HIV +
  45. I am a blogger
Those are 45 things about me.  Care to make your own list?


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