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Friday, February 24, 2012

A Pairing...

Today's blog challenge was over couples.  I am not in a romantic relationship & don't often think of things in those regards.  I have different views on couples.  I am not one that even thinks that being part of a couple is the best way to get through life. 

Instead of tearing down the concept & being all Negative-Nancy, I'll make a list of things I think about couples:

  • Couples should be there to share life's journey 
  • Couples should support each other as best they can
  • Couples should encourage each other to go forward
  • Couples should remind each other to enjoy life
  • Couples should laugh & cry together
  • Couples should be appreciate each other
Those are some things I think couples should do.  I think these things would help them through life.  However, I don't think this is limited to romantic couples.  I think this can be of siblings, friends or even pets.  Some  of the definitions we hold are far too limiting.  I am far closer to my cats & roomie than I have even been with my family.  

That's my take on couples, what's yours.


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