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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today's blog challenge concerned things I need.  I do my best to live with what I have in my life.  Still at times, I find myself needing things I don't have, like a dependable car.  The one currently in my name hates the cold & leaks.  Cold kills the battery & makes the speedometer freak out.  It had to have a whole drilled into the tire well to let the water drain.  Now it stays under the carport.

What I really need is easy, the means to get a newer car.  The means to better pay off my bills.  The means to feel more secure & less stressed so I can more easily enjoy life.  What I need is easy, more $.  That is not going to happen anytime soon, so far now, I'll just have to get by with what I have.

There's my need, what's yours?


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