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Monday, February 20, 2012


Today's blog challenge concerns the color orange.  I typically am not a fan of this color.  It wouldn't be too far reaching to call it one of my least favorite colors in the spectrum. The word conjures up many images, many of which I am not a fan of at all.

Just say no to Nascar or say yes to left, left, left....

I hate March Madness

No orange tiles for me please

Too  much of this orange clay dirt around these parts

After really trying I thought of a few orange things I like.

I do like orange sunsets

Cuties are citrusy wonders 

All cats are beautiful, even the orange ones

Roses are probably my favorite occurrence of the color

I am still not a fan of orange.  The only time I really like orange is in nature.  Flowers, butterflies & trees can work it, most people can't.   The color annoys me in non-natural settings.  It annoys me even more than yellow, of which I utterly not a fan.

There's my take on orange, what's yours?


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