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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Doodles are the topic of today.  Growing up & even now I am a fidgety.  When someone would want to keep me from physically bouncing all over the place, they'd usually give me pen & paper & I'd doodle.  The doodle above isn't mine, but it's the style that used to line my sides of my spiral notebooks.

For me doodling wasn't really about being artistic, it was about escape & control.  I could set there & let my mind move about when my body was supposed to be still.  I could vent my energy through the pen onto the paper in whatever form it choose to take.  Some were large & abstract, others were dense & textural, while some were simple renderings of shapes or things.  It didn't matter, it wasn't about art, it was about being somewhere else.

It was also about control.  My doodling let me fill up the page as I wished.  It didn't have to be all ordered & pertinent.  It didn't have to be all about the way the teacher wanted it to be.  Some teachers made us turn in our notes & those people usually hated doodlers.  "If you spent half as much time paying attention instead of doodling you'd be doing better in class."  If I had done that some of my teachers might not have survived having me in their classes.

Doodling let me control the passage of time.  I could focus on certain sections of paper for so long & move on to the next.  The progress of my scribbling became my version of a clock for how much time was left in the class.  I know, it's a little OCD.

What do you doodle?  Do you doodle?  What do your scribbles mean to you, if anything?


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