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Friday, February 10, 2012


I can handle today's blog challenge,.  What's you favorite Candy?  That's a no-brainer for me, Fudge.  I love fudge.  I may be partial to other candies; orange slices, candy bars, cherry sour balls, peanut-butter cups, etc... but nothing comes close to my fondness for fudge.

Now, let me clarify this, I do not mean that goopy stuff you pour over ice-cream.  Nor, do I mean that squishy gunk you can by at the store, even most candy stores.  Good fudge comes from one place, home.  Not my home though, I sorta suck at making fudge, even the easy recipes. 

I associate fudge with my childhood.   Every Christmas my grandmother would make boxes of chocolate fudge & give them out with our presents.  I would hurt anyone who got near my precious, little allotment of this cocoa heaven.  It only came once a year & the box was always empty way too soon.  

My sister would make chocolate fudge, but it wasn't as good as my grandmother's.   However, she more than compensated by making killer peanut butter & maple fudge.  I think she liked those better than the chocolate anyway.  

As much as I like fudge, just because of its own heavenly nature, there will always be the nostalgia of it for me.  It may not seem like candy has much to do with a HIV blog & maybe it doesn't.  However, the good memories, that take me some place else, even if just for a moment, do help me through life.  I don't have a lot of good memories of my childhood, the ones I do have are important to me & they can help me through the rough patches of life.  Weird that candy can be that deep.

Well there's my favorite, what's yours?


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