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Friday, February 17, 2012


Today's blog challenge wants to discuss my favorite plant.  Well there's  Audrey II, Mortica's Cleopatra, Triffids, Black Mercy Plants, Blood Orchids, Crazee Dayzees, Gingold, The Kite-Eating Tree, Mandrake, Piranha Plants, Yggdrasil & many others.  Of course there are the talking trees from many tales such as H.R. Pufnstuf or any of the plants Pamela Isley's garden.

Yes I am aware that all of these are fictional, but I don't focus that much on plants to choose a favorite.  I have ones that I like to eat.  I like living in wooded areas.   I am fond of wild flowers.

If I have to choose, I'll focus on a type.  A type that I can usually grow amazingly well, vines.  If the plant vines, creeps or crawls I can usually grow it at an astounding rate.   I realize that vines aren't a specific plant, but they are a type & they seem to like me very well.

I choose vines as my favorite plant, since they seem to have chosen me.  With one exception.  I hate  Virgina Creeper.  It's nasty stuff & damn near impossible to get rid of.

What's you favorite plant?


PS.  I also like the band The Vines

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