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Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Today's blog challenged wanted a family photo.  I am not able to comply with this one at all.  I'm not close to my biological family & have no photos of them & certainly no family photos.  I can't even remember ever setting for a family photo.

Who'd be in it?  Which of my siblings would be in it?  Which of my mother's husbands or S.O.'s would be in it?  Would it include both sides of my family?  If so, "Shut up & pass the Ammo."  Would it include aunts, uncles, cousins & what about friends of the family that had more to do with our lives than our relatives?  This picture is getting huge.

My family has been for years, my friends & animals.  That's what I have to work with in this life.  Here is a pic of part of our family.  I know I've posted it before, but it's the only drawn image I have of them.


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