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Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today's topic is inspiration.  I choose this pic, because it represents my thoughts on the subject.  A splotch.  That's inspiration for me. 

I've never been that inspired by much.  I've seen things that make me take pause, but not much has ever moved me enough to say it inspired me.  In the past, I've been more about evasion than inspiration.  I wanted to know what was down that next road or stare at the water in a creek as it flowed & wonder where it was going.

I'm not going to be very insightful on this one.  I've never been that moved by something to be inspired.  I've never been that dedicated to something to be a fanatic or even a real fan.  I've not committed that much of myself to anything.

I know other people do get inspired.  They find their muses.  I used to wonder why I didn't.  I don't now.  I've just accepted that I'm not that kind of people.  I don't find things to be inspirational, even if I can find them impressive, beautiful or awesome.  I find some people to be astounding in their accomplishments, but not inspirational.  I guess I was just never able to relate to these things.

Inspiration is a splotch.  What's your splotch?


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