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Thursday, February 9, 2012

TV Show...

Your favorite television show was the concept behind today's part of the challenge.   Did they make this challenge for someone who was two?  If I just listed the shows that debuted in my birth year, I'd like over half of them & the list would a few dozen long.

What to choose?  If I looked at now, it'd be difficult.  I am fairly disappointed with most of the shows I've been watching lately & I'm ready for them to be cancelled. Luckily, House, MD has taken the hint.  I am tiring of most of the reality shows because they keep tweaking them or adding that "new twist".  I am over most everything on CW.  I'll pick from the now or the recent   I am a fan of NCIS.  I really like the characters.  I am fairly satisfied with American Horror Story.  I thoroughly enjoyed Expedition Impossible.

I really enjoy all of these shows, but if I have to pick a favorite show it would be a tie between two classics,  I Love Lucy & Bewitched.  If I have to choose between them, I can probably watch Bewitched more often.  My Fav TV show is Bewitched.

There's mine what are yours?


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