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Friday, February 3, 2012

My Favorite Food...

Today's part of the blog challenge was regarding your favorite food.  I have a preference for the exotic & southern.  I am not a big fan of greens or grits, but I was raised with a lot of biscuits, chicken fried steak & gravy. I like things with a zing; BBQ, Cajun, Chinese, Indian, Thai.  If I can't get that then I shift to things like sea food, Italian or Mediterranean.  Basically, I like things with distinctive tastes.  Give me spices, herbs & acidity.

I've gotten more into these types of foods as I've grown older.  I'm not sure if my taste buds have matured or if the HIV has altered my preferences.  I do know that when I was first diagnosed, it was everything I could do to eat anything.  Things with muddled flavors actually grossed me out.  I went for things with sharp tastes.  So, yes, HIV can also affect the way you do & should eat.

As for my favorite.  I will go with the one I eat the most often.  I like Mexican, actually Tex-Mex.  I am not particularly talking about chain restaurant Tex-Mex.  Albeit, I am not opposed to Taco Mayo's crunchy tacos.  I am talking about the food I grew up eating & cooking in these parts.  A lot of people are surprised how much Mexican food that Oklahomans eat.    I like all your basic fare; tacos, tostadas, sanchos, chimichangas, salsa verde, churro beans, the yellow rice, arroz con pollo, etc...  I am not however a fan of tamales or Spanish rice.

I like to eat & cook Tex-Mex.  What's your favorite food.


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