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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Today's topic was things you dislike.  While I'm a Virgo & there are plenty of things that I don't particularly like in this world, I'm trying not to focus on them.  I really don't want to focus on the negative or things I dislike.  Often there's little to nothing I can do about it & it just gives the situation more influence in my life.

Many things that I don't care for unfortunately come with things I need or want.  I don't like my meds, but they keep me alive.  I don't like paying the bills, but it keeps the lights on in the house.  The house I live in has a lot of issues, a whole lot of them, but the rent is affordable.

I guess if I was going to write about something I really dislike, it would be about something that brought about something negative in my life, that failed to have useful or positive impact.  I've know plenty of people this way.  The type that drains your resources, but does nothing to build them back up again.  Things that are broken should be repaired or gotten rid of, if not they are a constant reminder of something that fails to work.  

I've done my best to start accessing what's in my life that I can live without.  What's in my life that I have to put up with & what I can rid myself of.  If something is in your life & not bringing something positive or useful to it, then it shouldn't be in your life.

That's my take on the matter, what's yours?

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