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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fav Aminals...

Today's part of the challenge is to talk about you absolutely favoritist aminal in the whole wide world.  Yes, I am aware that I misspelled that.  This is not an easy one for me.

I like a lot of animals.  I am partial to foxes, bears, crows & owls.  I like cats of all sizes.  I grew up with dogs & horses.  There are a lot of animals I find interesting, even beautiful,  from a distance like snakes, spiders & sharks.  I think baby crocodiles are utterly cute, but then they go & do that grow up thing & it the cuteitude wears off PDQ.  I will limit my selection to those animals that have be part of my life.

  • I do like dogs, but they take more commitment & involvement than I am willing to make at this time in my life
  • Horse, see dogs but multiple by ten
  • Birds are nice, but not that responsive unless you get something like a parrot & then see the dog entry or something illegal like a crow, which BTW are wall-shooters when they do their business
  • Fish, I had fish & my fish collection exploded from one fresh water tank to a freaking menagerie of fresh & salt water types.  $$$ & I have cats
  • Rats are friendly, but they are very dependent & short lived, besides my roomie has a thing against rodents
  • Mice are weird & fairly non-responsive
  • Hamster are vicious little, furry vampires, I've had dozens & have been bitten by every one
  • Gerbils are the crash test dummies of the rodent world
  • Rabbits & chinchillas are nice but require a fair amount of maintenance 
  • Ferrets are toe biters & can be cranky
  • I am not a fan of most reptiles as pets.  They are non-responsive, carry diseases & seldom, if ever, form any type of bond with their owners.
  • Same goes for hermit crabs.
  • Spiders...No thank you
  • I typically avoid all exotics.  They take a lot of care & $.  Quite often they are illegal.
  • My most hated animal is simple, I despise with an utter passion, monkeys.  They are disgusting, vicious little beasts

I may be leaving something out, but that's OK.  I know what I'll choose for my favorite animal.  I choose cats.  Cats suit my life & my needs.  I fairly much suit them.  I appreciate the nuance & independence of cats.  I do not like having clingy things in my life.  I like that cats come & go as they will. I like their attitude.  

There you have it, my favorite animals are cats.  What's yours?


PS.  Having cats or other animals in your life can bring a level of fulfillment or joy that may not have been there before.  Both of those qualities can make it easier for a person with a chronic ailment to get by in day to day life.  HIV can be stressful & sometimes animals can help calm you down.  Having companionship in your life is a good thing, whether it comes from people or animals.

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