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Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Place...

I am continuing with the blog challenge & today's part was in regard to your favorite place.  I can get difficult on this one:

  • I like being home, but get wanderlust easily
  • I love travelling, but get tired of the actual process
  • I like people watching, but I'm not really a fan of most people
  • I like oddity spots, but not when they're overrun with tourists
  • I like cities, but hate the noise
  • I like small towns, but despise the lack of things to do
  • I am outdoorsy, just don't ask me to anything outdoorsy

As I said, I'm difficult.  It seems that I am one juxtaposition after another.  I am gay & loved the dance clubs, just not the people that usually hung out in them.  I usually wound up at hole in the wall, pool halls, where most of the clients were straight, bordering on redneck butch.  I loved this one after hours coffee house in Stillwater, but didn't care much for the coffee house crowd.  That's right I'm picky & difficult. 

I decided that I'd choose a place that I felt most at ease.  It's not a specific place but a type.  It's the type of place I'd retreat to as a kid to get away from everything.  The type of place I wish I lived near now.  I like moving water; creeks, streams or rivers.  I'm not nearly as much of a fan of lakes & oceans.  I like the woods.  I like wooded areas along rivers.  I like the trees, the smell of the earth & the sound of the running water.   I like to watch the animals that gather along banks.  

As a kid I'd spend hours wading in the shallows of creeks & rivers.  I'd catch crawdads (crayfish) & snakes.   I'd corral the small fish in the shallows & watch them dart away from me.  Being from Oklahoma, you were apt to find arrowheads or other pieces of shaped rock/flint along the waterways.  I liked wading, swimming, canoeing, tubing, sometimes you could even get me calmed down enough to fish.

For me the wooded waterway is my favorite place.  The serenity let me just be for a while.  I could get lost in it all.  We all need that sometimes.

Well, that's my favorite type of place, what's yours?


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