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Sunday, February 19, 2012


The blog challenge wants me to talk about something New.  I'm fairly sure they aren't talking about new moons, on Monday or otherwise.  I'm at a point in my life where there isn't much new in my life & if something does start anew, it's usually not a good thing.  Here's a what's 2012 in my life.

  • We now have a Roku in our home & we luvs it to pieces
  • A Kindle Fire is now a times adhesed to my roomie
  • A skittish new outdoor cat that won't even let me look at it
  • We have a new faucet in the kitchen
  • Switching from 4 to 6 month intervals with my HIV specialist
  • I may have to be looking into blood pressure meds
That's about everything newish in my life.  I don't have a lot going on, so there isn't usually anything new to report.  But, not having new things in your life isn't always a bad thing.  With HIV, you're often in the situation, that no new developments can be the best thing for you. 

I know pretty boring.  What's new in you life?


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