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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Miss...

Today's blog challenge dealt with something I miss.  The woman above is named Crematia Mortem & she was a host of a late-night creature feature show. There was also Uncle Ed.  If I remember right, he was one the with the cats named Caffiena & Nicotina.  I loved these shows. Tulsa had it's own.

Later there was USA's Up All Night & MonsterVision with Joe Bob Briggs. Fox had it's Werewolf show.   I was a total B-Movie, horror buff.  The stuff SyFy puts out isn't nearly as fun.

All through the 80's & well into the 90's I was at the theater nearly every weekend & often during the week.  Movies were cheap & plentiful.  There were Dollar Theaters & cheap concessions.  I went to tons of concerts, because I liked the music & they were cheap.  Those days are gone movies & concert are way too expensive to go to them like I used to. 

I miss good malls.  I was an 80's teen.  Malls today are to crappy &/or family-centric.  Malls were meant for teens.  I miss the arcades & yes I know about game consoles, they're not the same.  I miss being there all day with friends & having a blast.   We'd start early in the morning on Saturday, take the bus to the mall & hang out literally all day.  We'd shop, go to the arcade, sit in the food court, see movies, shop some more & eventually hit the midnight movie before heading home or to a teen club.  Those days are gone.

The 90's brought in Cartoon Network, which I used to love, but the last vestige of real loyalty went out when they killed Toonami.    I used to live to watch SciFi channel while it still played Dark Shadows, but then it dropped it's old line up & got prissy with a new name, SyFy.  

There are other things I miss.  I miss traveling, but now I'm like Hedwig & travelling exhausts me.  I miss college & the parties.  I miss the night clubs, not that I'd have the stamina to stay awake now.  I miss some of my old friends from school who went to wherever.  I wish them well. I miss being healthy.

Well, there's some of my nostalgia for you, what's yours?


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