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Monday, February 13, 2012


Today's part of the blog challenge dealt with your favorite comic.  This one is easy for me.  Although I read a lot of comics & have collected dozens of titles over the years, I always come back to the Bat & his lines.   I have squirreled away many titles from DC, Marvel & other more independent houses, but nothing has ever intrigued me as much as the Bat.

Sure there are short run comics like Transmetropolitan or The Authority that have caught my eye.  But keeping my attention for a 60 or so issues is much easier than keeping people intrigued since 1939.  Batman is the frickin' energizer bunny of the comic world.

There are tons of reasons to like the Bat over other comics & I know there are reasons some people don't like him.   I refuse to make a list.  But I will note that he is human, fallible & dark, but he is also brilliant, relentless, cunning & capable of holding his own against the likes of Superman & Green Lantern. 

My favorite comic is any line that includes Batman, the Bat Family or members of his Rogue's Gallery.  What is your favorite comic?


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