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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Bye February...

This is the end of the second month of 2012.  It wasn't a bad month.  I just wish we'd had more cold weather to keep the grass & bugs at bay for a little while longer.  

There were no major break downs in the house & only a car battery had to be replaced.  The battery was old, so that wasn't that much of a surprise.  Our gas usage was down over half from last year at this time.

I took on another blog challenge that was partially successful.   The blog passed it's 400th post.  It also past it's 13th month.  

Well that's my February blog recap.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Closing Out...

I am closing this blog challenge out.  Technically, I had another day of this one.  I was supposed to talk about where I would like to go & then congratulate myself on finishing the blog challenge.  At this particular point in time, there isn't anywhere that I am really yearning to go.  That may change. 

I am happy that I took on this challenge, even though I don't consider it a complete success. This blog is supposed to be about HIV & I didn't keep it on track during this challenge.  I'm not sure what I'll do next, but I've tired of this specific challenge.

If I do more of them, I need to keep them better focused on my subject.  Well, that's that, until tomorrow.


Monday, February 27, 2012


Again, I am taking liberties with this challenge.  I am combining today's & tomorrow's.  They were to be about something I love & something I'd like.  I have to say that the challenge is straying for me.  I was fairly certain in the beginning of this I could keep this challenge on target.  I haven't.

What I will like is when this challenge is over.  It hasn't lived up to my expectations, which is probably my own doing.  Either in choosing this challenge or failing to keep it on point. No matter, what I will be fond of is the cessation of this challenge.

There are a couple of more days of this challenge.  Then it will be on to the next thing.  I am looking forward to that.  If you're a blogger, how's yours going?


Sunday, February 26, 2012


Today's topic was things you dislike.  While I'm a Virgo & there are plenty of things that I don't particularly like in this world, I'm trying not to focus on them.  I really don't want to focus on the negative or things I dislike.  Often there's little to nothing I can do about it & it just gives the situation more influence in my life.

Many things that I don't care for unfortunately come with things I need or want.  I don't like my meds, but they keep me alive.  I don't like paying the bills, but it keeps the lights on in the house.  The house I live in has a lot of issues, a whole lot of them, but the rent is affordable.

I guess if I was going to write about something I really dislike, it would be about something that brought about something negative in my life, that failed to have useful or positive impact.  I've know plenty of people this way.  The type that drains your resources, but does nothing to build them back up again.  Things that are broken should be repaired or gotten rid of, if not they are a constant reminder of something that fails to work.  

I've done my best to start accessing what's in my life that I can live without.  What's in my life that I have to put up with & what I can rid myself of.  If something is in your life & not bringing something positive or useful to it, then it shouldn't be in your life.

That's my take on the matter, what's yours?

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Today's blogger challenge was over scenery.  I am from Oklahoma, I've lived over a good part of the eastern side of the state.  I prefer Green Country.  Rolling hills & waterways are what you'll see in my part of Oklahoma.  That's in stark comparison to the flat scrubs & red dirt of the western side of the state.

Things that make the scenery pleasant to me are:
  • Trees
  • Bluffs
  • Rivers, streams & lakes
  • Other greenery & wildflowers
  • Wildlife

I even like the winding roads, albeit they can get tiresome when you're in a hurry.  I like knowing I can look off the road & see wildlife.  I like the wildflowers that grow in the meadows & the near trees.  I just like the greenery.

That's the scene I like, what about you?

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Pairing...

Today's blog challenge was over couples.  I am not in a romantic relationship & don't often think of things in those regards.  I have different views on couples.  I am not one that even thinks that being part of a couple is the best way to get through life. 

Instead of tearing down the concept & being all Negative-Nancy, I'll make a list of things I think about couples:

  • Couples should be there to share life's journey 
  • Couples should support each other as best they can
  • Couples should encourage each other to go forward
  • Couples should remind each other to enjoy life
  • Couples should laugh & cry together
  • Couples should be appreciate each other
Those are some things I think couples should do.  I think these things would help them through life.  However, I don't think this is limited to romantic couples.  I think this can be of siblings, friends or even pets.  Some  of the definitions we hold are far too limiting.  I am far closer to my cats & roomie than I have even been with my family.  

That's my take on couples, what's yours.


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today's blog challenge concerned things I need.  I do my best to live with what I have in my life.  Still at times, I find myself needing things I don't have, like a dependable car.  The one currently in my name hates the cold & leaks.  Cold kills the battery & makes the speedometer freak out.  It had to have a whole drilled into the tire well to let the water drain.  Now it stays under the carport.

What I really need is easy, the means to get a newer car.  The means to better pay off my bills.  The means to feel more secure & less stressed so I can more easily enjoy life.  What I need is easy, more $.  That is not going to happen anytime soon, so far now, I'll just have to get by with what I have.

There's my need, what's yours?


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Miss...

Today's blog challenge dealt with something I miss.  The woman above is named Crematia Mortem & she was a host of a late-night creature feature show. There was also Uncle Ed.  If I remember right, he was one the with the cats named Caffiena & Nicotina.  I loved these shows. Tulsa had it's own.

Later there was USA's Up All Night & MonsterVision with Joe Bob Briggs. Fox had it's Werewolf show.   I was a total B-Movie, horror buff.  The stuff SyFy puts out isn't nearly as fun.

All through the 80's & well into the 90's I was at the theater nearly every weekend & often during the week.  Movies were cheap & plentiful.  There were Dollar Theaters & cheap concessions.  I went to tons of concerts, because I liked the music & they were cheap.  Those days are gone movies & concert are way too expensive to go to them like I used to. 

I miss good malls.  I was an 80's teen.  Malls today are to crappy &/or family-centric.  Malls were meant for teens.  I miss the arcades & yes I know about game consoles, they're not the same.  I miss being there all day with friends & having a blast.   We'd start early in the morning on Saturday, take the bus to the mall & hang out literally all day.  We'd shop, go to the arcade, sit in the food court, see movies, shop some more & eventually hit the midnight movie before heading home or to a teen club.  Those days are gone.

The 90's brought in Cartoon Network, which I used to love, but the last vestige of real loyalty went out when they killed Toonami.    I used to live to watch SciFi channel while it still played Dark Shadows, but then it dropped it's old line up & got prissy with a new name, SyFy.  

There are other things I miss.  I miss traveling, but now I'm like Hedwig & travelling exhausts me.  I miss college & the parties.  I miss the night clubs, not that I'd have the stamina to stay awake now.  I miss some of my old friends from school who went to wherever.  I wish them well. I miss being healthy.

Well, there's some of my nostalgia for you, what's yours?


Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The challenge today concerned what it is that you want.  This is a hard thing for me these days.  It always comes up around my birthday & the holidays.  I get asked what I want & the honest answer is not much.  At least not much that any one can give me.

When I was a kid, before Christmas my Grandmother would set me down with a catalog & tell me to go through it & write down everything I wanted.  This became my Christmas List.  It always had enough stuff on it, she was sure to keep me guessing.  As I've gotten older, there just isn't this need to acquire things like there used to be.

I don't need much, I'd just like the things I have to stay in good repair or have the means to replace them.  I don't need the best car, but I'd like one that runs dependably.  I don't need a ton of $, but I'd like enough to be secure.  I'd like for the people around me to be in a good place in their lives.  I wish the people in my area would take better care of their animals.  I have enough strays as it is.  

I'm tired of politicians & misinformed people judging people on disability.  I think ACTA, SOPA & PIPA should be shoved up the people who originated them's backsides then set on fire.  I wish the political folks would focus on real problems & not knee-jerk smoke screen issues.   I guess what I want most of all is just to feel secure, that's something probably every child of an alcoholic wants.  

There are some of my wants, what are your?


Monday, February 20, 2012


Today's blog challenge concerns the color orange.  I typically am not a fan of this color.  It wouldn't be too far reaching to call it one of my least favorite colors in the spectrum. The word conjures up many images, many of which I am not a fan of at all.

Just say no to Nascar or say yes to left, left, left....

I hate March Madness

No orange tiles for me please

Too  much of this orange clay dirt around these parts

After really trying I thought of a few orange things I like.

I do like orange sunsets

Cuties are citrusy wonders 

All cats are beautiful, even the orange ones

Roses are probably my favorite occurrence of the color

I am still not a fan of orange.  The only time I really like orange is in nature.  Flowers, butterflies & trees can work it, most people can't.   The color annoys me in non-natural settings.  It annoys me even more than yellow, of which I utterly not a fan.

There's my take on orange, what's yours?


Sunday, February 19, 2012


The blog challenge wants me to talk about something New.  I'm fairly sure they aren't talking about new moons, on Monday or otherwise.  I'm at a point in my life where there isn't much new in my life & if something does start anew, it's usually not a good thing.  Here's a what's 2012 in my life.

  • We now have a Roku in our home & we luvs it to pieces
  • A Kindle Fire is now a times adhesed to my roomie
  • A skittish new outdoor cat that won't even let me look at it
  • We have a new faucet in the kitchen
  • Switching from 4 to 6 month intervals with my HIV specialist
  • I may have to be looking into blood pressure meds
That's about everything newish in my life.  I don't have a lot going on, so there isn't usually anything new to report.  But, not having new things in your life isn't always a bad thing.  With HIV, you're often in the situation, that no new developments can be the best thing for you. 

I know pretty boring.  What's new in you life?


Saturday, February 18, 2012


Doodles are the topic of today.  Growing up & even now I am a fidgety.  When someone would want to keep me from physically bouncing all over the place, they'd usually give me pen & paper & I'd doodle.  The doodle above isn't mine, but it's the style that used to line my sides of my spiral notebooks.

For me doodling wasn't really about being artistic, it was about escape & control.  I could set there & let my mind move about when my body was supposed to be still.  I could vent my energy through the pen onto the paper in whatever form it choose to take.  Some were large & abstract, others were dense & textural, while some were simple renderings of shapes or things.  It didn't matter, it wasn't about art, it was about being somewhere else.

It was also about control.  My doodling let me fill up the page as I wished.  It didn't have to be all ordered & pertinent.  It didn't have to be all about the way the teacher wanted it to be.  Some teachers made us turn in our notes & those people usually hated doodlers.  "If you spent half as much time paying attention instead of doodling you'd be doing better in class."  If I had done that some of my teachers might not have survived having me in their classes.

Doodling let me control the passage of time.  I could focus on certain sections of paper for so long & move on to the next.  The progress of my scribbling became my version of a clock for how much time was left in the class.  I know, it's a little OCD.

What do you doodle?  Do you doodle?  What do your scribbles mean to you, if anything?


Friday, February 17, 2012


Today's blog challenge wants to discuss my favorite plant.  Well there's  Audrey II, Mortica's Cleopatra, Triffids, Black Mercy Plants, Blood Orchids, Crazee Dayzees, Gingold, The Kite-Eating Tree, Mandrake, Piranha Plants, Yggdrasil & many others.  Of course there are the talking trees from many tales such as H.R. Pufnstuf or any of the plants Pamela Isley's garden.

Yes I am aware that all of these are fictional, but I don't focus that much on plants to choose a favorite.  I have ones that I like to eat.  I like living in wooded areas.   I am fond of wild flowers.

If I have to choose, I'll focus on a type.  A type that I can usually grow amazingly well, vines.  If the plant vines, creeps or crawls I can usually grow it at an astounding rate.   I realize that vines aren't a specific plant, but they are a type & they seem to like me very well.

I choose vines as my favorite plant, since they seem to have chosen me.  With one exception.  I hate  Virgina Creeper.  It's nasty stuff & damn near impossible to get rid of.

What's you favorite plant?


PS.  I also like the band The Vines

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today's topic is inspiration.  I choose this pic, because it represents my thoughts on the subject.  A splotch.  That's inspiration for me. 

I've never been that inspired by much.  I've seen things that make me take pause, but not much has ever moved me enough to say it inspired me.  In the past, I've been more about evasion than inspiration.  I wanted to know what was down that next road or stare at the water in a creek as it flowed & wonder where it was going.

I'm not going to be very insightful on this one.  I've never been that moved by something to be inspired.  I've never been that dedicated to something to be a fanatic or even a real fan.  I've not committed that much of myself to anything.

I know other people do get inspired.  They find their muses.  I used to wonder why I didn't.  I don't now.  I've just accepted that I'm not that kind of people.  I don't find things to be inspirational, even if I can find them impressive, beautiful or awesome.  I find some people to be astounding in their accomplishments, but not inspirational.  I guess I was just never able to relate to these things.

Inspiration is a splotch.  What's your splotch?


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Today's blog challenged wanted a family photo.  I am not able to comply with this one at all.  I'm not close to my biological family & have no photos of them & certainly no family photos.  I can't even remember ever setting for a family photo.

Who'd be in it?  Which of my siblings would be in it?  Which of my mother's husbands or S.O.'s would be in it?  Would it include both sides of my family?  If so, "Shut up & pass the Ammo."  Would it include aunts, uncles, cousins & what about friends of the family that had more to do with our lives than our relatives?  This picture is getting huge.

My family has been for years, my friends & animals.  That's what I have to work with in this life.  Here is a pic of part of our family.  I know I've posted it before, but it's the only drawn image I have of them.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fairy Tale...

Favorite fairy tales are today's subject.  OK, this isn't easy for me.   There are literally thousands of fairy tales & fables out there.  Then for each one of those there are dozens of versions & retellings. How is a person supposed to pick a favorite.  For most modern people forget Hans Christian Anderson & the Grimm Brothers, they probably know the Disney or the Golden Book versions.

I'll accept that most of the people out there are mostly familiar with the Disney versions of the stories & go with that premise to make my selection.  Or maybe I won't.  I am not that overly fond of most Disney Fairy Tales.  They tend to take too much away from the protagonist, which BTW is usually a young girl.  Even if she isn't the main character she is the focus of the male's motivation.

In most of these stories the girl winds up in the situation by no doing of her own.  Snow White was the victim of a jealous step mother.  Tia was caught magical hoodoo.  Aurora was cursed.    Due to the machinations of others is how these heroines wound up in these tales.  There are also the ones that were aided by magical means like Ariel or Jasmine.

I prefer the ones like Belle, Mulan or even Disney's version of Esmeralda. Yes, I know there magical beings in the story, but these are fairy tales after all.  Of the 3, Esmeralda is my least favorite.  Then again, it's my least favorite of the 3 films.    Belle & Mulan actively choose to be in the situation they wound up in after choosing to swap places with their fathers.    Due to their own actions these two heroines save themselves.

I choose this archetype.  It's rare in literature, especially Disney.  These girls controlled there own destiny & never waited for some prince charming to come save them.  If I had to choose another princess to go on this list, then I think I would choose Fiona from Shrek.   Fairy tales are there to teach. Most are cautionary tales, but I don't think it's too much to have some of them be about independence & self reliance.

Those are my favorites, what are yours?


Monday, February 13, 2012


Today's part of the blog challenge dealt with your favorite comic.  This one is easy for me.  Although I read a lot of comics & have collected dozens of titles over the years, I always come back to the Bat & his lines.   I have squirreled away many titles from DC, Marvel & other more independent houses, but nothing has ever intrigued me as much as the Bat.

Sure there are short run comics like Transmetropolitan or The Authority that have caught my eye.  But keeping my attention for a 60 or so issues is much easier than keeping people intrigued since 1939.  Batman is the frickin' energizer bunny of the comic world.

There are tons of reasons to like the Bat over other comics & I know there are reasons some people don't like him.   I refuse to make a list.  But I will note that he is human, fallible & dark, but he is also brilliant, relentless, cunning & capable of holding his own against the likes of Superman & Green Lantern. 

My favorite comic is any line that includes Batman, the Bat Family or members of his Rogue's Gallery.  What is your favorite comic?


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Recent Accomplishments...

Today's blog challenge concerned recent accomplishments.  I've written a few times about my belief that it is always important to recognize your accomplishments & those of others.  I've also blogged about this particular achievement. 

This last month on the 3rd of January, I reached the first year of my blogging.   It was the day my blog turned a year old & my life as a + person reached 12 years.   I didn't think either one of us would last that long.  I decided to blog as part of my first genuine new year's resolution & somehow I remained committed to it.  That's a rare thing in my life these days.  Either, I forget about it or just lose interest & quit.  But I kept blogging. 


As for the 12th HIV Day, I didn't think I'd see it.  When I was diagnosed, most people were told they had 10 years at best.  Things have changed since then.  They know more then they did then.  There are still things we don't know & there are still assholes out there that want to call HIV the wrath of some god.  One would think that a divinely inspired punishment would kill more efficiently.  

There you have it, my most recent accomplishment was reaching a year of my blog & 12 years of life as + person.  What have you accomplished lately?


Saturday, February 11, 2012

For Every Season...

Turning points are today's topic for the blog challenge.   They wanted a single point of life change, but in most people's lives, especially anyone over 25, there are bound to be at least a few major points when things altered course.

My childhood was rough, but the roughness was fairly consistent, so I adapted to it.    I thought everyone's parents were angry, out-of control, violent drunks.  I thought the flying fists, slung lamps & raised voices were just part of life.   At least until I turned eight.  Then my parents divorced & they needed to.  Actually, neither of them should've ever been married or had kids in the first place.

Before the divorce, even though I was living in a familial war-zone,  I was a fairly confident kid.  I was more friendly & outgoing.  I had a lot less fear & apprehension.  The post divorce me was far more withdrawn & embarrassed.  Now, I knew our way of life was "different."   This altered a lot of me.  It wasn't the divorce that changed me, but the realization that we were living this unacceptable lifestyle.  Being from a small town, those people had no intention of letting us forget about it either.

My life was in flux for the next several years.  Up until the point I was 13.  We cycled through baby-sitters & relatives while my mother vanished for days to weeks at a time.  Most of the time my dad was MIA.  Whenever he was there, he'd try to pull it together for us kids.  He actually managed to a couple of times & then mom would show back up to obliterate whatever little life we had built for ourselves.  Jealous bitch.  Then at 13, when my father was gone to who knows where, she actually just vanished.  Let the chaos begin.

From 13 until just about the time I turned 16, I was shipped from place to place.  Relatives, foster homes,  group homes, juvenile institutions, etc...   When I was 16, I managed to get out on my own.  I did spend some of my time living alone, but other points living with relatives.  I reached out to my father in Salt Lake & that was a drunken disaster, it lasted about a month.  Then I tried living with my sister to help with her kids while she was separated.  I thought we both needed the help.  She got back with her husband & I left.  I could not stand that man.  Past that, I gave my mom one last chance.  I went to stay with her for about 6 weeks before college started.  About 3 weeks in, she bailed again. After that I never lived with any  other adult, other than as roommates again.

From then until my mid-late 20's, I was in one college or another.  I finished with a Ph.D.  Don't get excited, I stayed in school because I had no where else to go.  I still don't think I've fully recovered from being out of the academic arena.  Sometimes I really miss it.  From there on, it didn't go upwards & onward.  No, it fizzled.  I graduated at the beginning of the collegiate downsizing & was told by just about every other  potential employer that I was grossly over-qualified.  I worked crap jobs for the next several years.  College had been my haven, but also my trap.

In the late 90's I lost a crappy, but descent paying job, due to boss's weirdness. Shortly there after, I started getting sick.  At first, it'd come & go. But by Christmas of 1999, I was so sick I managed to quit smoking.  On January 03 of the new millennium I was diagnosed with HIV.  Since then I have had to adjust to being +, getting on disability, having my then roommate/friend bail on me, getting a new roommate & life in general in my 30's & beyond as a + person. 

Last year, I started blogging & trying to keep some perspective on my life.  I committed to writing in it everyday & I did.  I may have had some short entries, but I did write in it daily.  There's my roommate, several cats & myself in my household now & were all just getting through life as we can. We've got our plans & I hope they pan out.

These points of change have started different parts or seasons of my life.  Each time the change has come, the chaos shook my life & I lost a lot, but I often gained things as well.   There's some of my turning points, ever thought about yours?


Friday, February 10, 2012


I can handle today's blog challenge,.  What's you favorite Candy?  That's a no-brainer for me, Fudge.  I love fudge.  I may be partial to other candies; orange slices, candy bars, cherry sour balls, peanut-butter cups, etc... but nothing comes close to my fondness for fudge.

Now, let me clarify this, I do not mean that goopy stuff you pour over ice-cream.  Nor, do I mean that squishy gunk you can by at the store, even most candy stores.  Good fudge comes from one place, home.  Not my home though, I sorta suck at making fudge, even the easy recipes. 

I associate fudge with my childhood.   Every Christmas my grandmother would make boxes of chocolate fudge & give them out with our presents.  I would hurt anyone who got near my precious, little allotment of this cocoa heaven.  It only came once a year & the box was always empty way too soon.  

My sister would make chocolate fudge, but it wasn't as good as my grandmother's.   However, she more than compensated by making killer peanut butter & maple fudge.  I think she liked those better than the chocolate anyway.  

As much as I like fudge, just because of its own heavenly nature, there will always be the nostalgia of it for me.  It may not seem like candy has much to do with a HIV blog & maybe it doesn't.  However, the good memories, that take me some place else, even if just for a moment, do help me through life.  I don't have a lot of good memories of my childhood, the ones I do have are important to me & they can help me through the rough patches of life.  Weird that candy can be that deep.

Well there's my favorite, what's yours?


Thursday, February 9, 2012

TV Show...

Your favorite television show was the concept behind today's part of the challenge.   Did they make this challenge for someone who was two?  If I just listed the shows that debuted in my birth year, I'd like over half of them & the list would a few dozen long.

What to choose?  If I looked at now, it'd be difficult.  I am fairly disappointed with most of the shows I've been watching lately & I'm ready for them to be cancelled. Luckily, House, MD has taken the hint.  I am tiring of most of the reality shows because they keep tweaking them or adding that "new twist".  I am over most everything on CW.  I'll pick from the now or the recent   I am a fan of NCIS.  I really like the characters.  I am fairly satisfied with American Horror Story.  I thoroughly enjoyed Expedition Impossible.

I really enjoy all of these shows, but if I have to pick a favorite show it would be a tie between two classics,  I Love Lucy & Bewitched.  If I have to choose between them, I can probably watch Bewitched more often.  My Fav TV show is Bewitched.

There's mine what are yours?


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toon Time...

Today's challenge concerned your favorite animated character.  Again, with the Kyle Broflovski, "Really?"  You have got to be kidding, I am in my 40's & have been an avid toon person all my life, TV & movies.  I can't even really list them, the list would be huge.  I love a lot of Hanna Barbera, the Looney Toons, Harvey cartoons & other classics.  I love the comic-booked based toons & sci-fi/fantasy ones.  It wasn't until things got so product-centric that I started having problems with cartoons & film animation.

I think animation is an ingrained part of our lives in the US.  Even if some of us "adults" like to consider animation kids' stuff.  I bet most of us still smile when we see our favorite childhood toon or hear it's theme song.  I can still remember the lyrics to all the various Scooby Doo themes.  To handle this I am going to stick with four more modern toons.  

To start this one, I am not even a big fan of the Avengers comic series.  They annoy me.  I wish someone would just shoot Tony Stark.  I've loved The Batman, Teen Titans, the various Spider-Man franchises, the Justice League, etc...  But I have to hand it too this version of the Avengers, they nailed the toon.  I hate the theme song, but they developed a well thought out & appealing cartoon.  I may like the Justice League better as a comic line, but they lost to this cartoon.

My next selection is Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  Again, not the biggest fan of this franchise.  I'm still not that big of fan of the main characters, but I love the one's they brought in for this one & it's mini predecessor.  Ahsoka Tano & Asajj Ventress.   What I really like about this part of the Star Wars story is that I feel it is better developed than any of the movies.  I will miss this when it's gone after this year.  I do not miss the movies at all.

I love the Total Drama Series.  This spooftastic cartoon absolutely rocked. Gwen was always my favorite.  This toon allowed us to openly mock so many of our guilty pleasures, reality shows.  I am sad it had to go away.  It'll be hard to get that snark back in anything else.

Generator Rex is the one I'll close out with.  I know it's a steal from several animes, but wasn't a rip these days?  Rex is one of the most fully developed & envisioned shows on right now, that's including live action television.  Even if this can be called an Akiraesque rip-off, it at least has found a way to make the steal it's own.  There are elements from many genres in this toon & the way they're written they all mesh into a cohesive story.  If you haven't seen it, give it a try.

So, there's my entry on this matter.  Nothing will ever take Scooby's place in my toon heart or replace the Batman.   This doesn't even get into the movies or animes.   Maybe will get back to that someday. These four represent my toon watching at this time.  (BTW, I have hated the current version of Scooby Doo & I'm not too fond of the last season of Clone Wars).  These are my choices, waht are yours?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today's blog challenge was to illustrate your favorite word.

You're kidding right?  How the hell is a person in their 40's supposed to pick a favorite word?  Here's a list of some I'm partial to:

  • So
  • Whatever
  • As-if
  • What
  • Really
  • NO!
  • Like
  • Totes/totally
  • Um hmm

That's only part of the g-rated list, I am especially fluent in swearing.  Being from my background I am prone to  speak with as much non-verbal as verbal language.  I talk with my hands.  I am fond of the raised eye look.  I mastered the eye-roll before I could talk.  

Words are important.  We need them to communicate.  Unfortunately most of us don't communicate well.  This is exceptionally disastrous if you can't or won't communicate fully with your health care providers or the other people in your life trying to help you get by.  

There are words I hate to hear.  I would really love to never have another conversation about meds, CD4 counts, labs, doctors' appointments, HIV in general...  That isn't going to happen.  This is my life & those are things I have to regularly discuss & express myself on with doctors & others.

I don't think I can choose a word, I just can't so let it be already....

Monday, February 6, 2012

Favorite Character...

Today's part of the blog challenge in which I am supposed to draw but instead am writing about things, the focus is on your favorite character from a book, not a movie.  This was hard.  I used to read by the ton-load & have a lot of favorite stories.  Choosing one character from all of those would be next to impossible.

Since I can't choose, I'll alter the challenge to better suit me.  I will choose an archetype instead just a specific character.  Pikachu, I choose you, no, no I don't.  I don't even like pokemon.  I'll be going with the Trickster.   I choose Coyote, Fox, Raven, Hermes, Puck,  Loki, etc...

Coyote or Medicine Dog is one of the most famous in the U.S.   He hasbeen depicted as everything from a wiseman to a buffoon from Looney Toon cartoons.  He & the other tricksters are here to teach us, characters & readers, the lessons of life via some fairly unorthodox methods, when the traditional won't suffice.  I won't go into stories, because their would literally be thousands of them.  Where to start?  Tricksters aren't perfect.  They are very flawed & are capable of letting us see those flaws as they reflect back on own lives.  These fine souls teach through example & folly rather than lecture & pedagogy. 

Never assume to judge a trickster.  They do what they do, because it is their nature & it is what we need them to do.  Do not presume that you know him or that you can even understand her.  You can't. Do not be angry with Loki for setting things into motion for the beginning of Ragnarok, it is his fate to do so.  Ragnarok is the vehicle for new beginnings for this mythos.  A trickster is never truly the fool, even if it's actions may seem foolish.

The trickster is not the fool, we are.  We are the ones on life's journeys. We are the querent, the one inquiring.    We are the ones going on our merry way.  The tricksters & their tales are there to guide us on our journey, hopefully learning from their lessons.  The trickster is my favorite archetype.  It is one of the most complicated & mysterious.  It leads us on journeys of faith, folly & hopefully forgiveness. So, grab your pixie dust, sometimes in life, it's all you've got left.


Sunday, February 5, 2012


This day lands us on the Best Friend day of the blog challenge.  This category has gotten me into sticky situations in the past.  It seems that I have a different take on the concept of friendship than a lot of people.  I, personally, place friends, at lest long term ones, at the same rank or higher than I do family members.  I always put them higher than family members, but then again that says a lot about my family.

Friends are people you choose to allow into your life.  You opt to share your experiences with these people.  You have work or school friends, which may only be part of that specific aspect of your life.  You have acquaintances, like the person you see everyday on your train commute into the city.  You talk to them about this & that mostly to make the commute pass faster.    You have associates.  These are people you have to share some activities, like a job, but aren't necessarily some you'd have in your life else wise.  There are good time  buddies that you go out & party with, see a movie or a sports event.  There are task specific relationships, like the mechanic you like to use or your mail carrier.  Who could forget he friends with benefits option or just the benefits without friendship option.  There are casual friends.  People who are part of your life but never go to deep into it, like neighbors, in-laws or your kid's friend's parents.   These add up to the majority of people we give some level friendship title to in our lives.  That leaves the best or dear friend.  These are the people you share your life with including all the warts & ugliness.  These are the people that will help you the rough times.  These are the families you form for yourself without the aid of blood & DNA.

I've had quite a few close friends over the years.  Unfortunately, I usually take the relationship more seriously than most.  I have a lot of faults & will never deny that, but one thing I have to offer in a friendship is loyalty.  This usually costs me.  I am devoted in a friendship & I just assume this is going to be reciprocated.  I've been wrong a lot in the past.  Some of my friendships have ended due to circumstances beyond our control, like having to move.  Others were ended when the alleged best friend showed that they only took the friendship as seriously as I did when it suited them. 

 I hate things that depict friendship as some temporary thing we share with others that is always bound to end & will always be upstaged by family or other commitments. Digimon is an excellent example.  But many stories have children making incredible friendships only to throw them away when family gets near.  Oh, BTW, I despise little Jackie Paper. may he rot in hell.

I get that there are temporary relationships; friends we make at summer camp or students at college from far away.  That doesn't mean that all friendships should be relegated to the realm of the temporary & unimportant.  There are many people in the world who's only family are their friends.  I am one of those people.  I may have blood relations, but I don't know these people & haven't been part of their lives in decades.  My friends on the other hand, they have been my family & I have & will again, go out of my way to help them wherever I can.

At this point my roomie is my closest friend.  My past best friend was my last roommate, who bailed.  So goes that friendship.   We've known each other since the early 90's & have lived together since the early 2000's.  We know each other.  We both have our issues & we deal with them, that's just what you do.  

To me, my friends will always rank higher than my family, even the ones that left.  I chose them.  I let them into my life.  I may not want them back in my life, but I have to admit there were some good times in the past & not focus on all the negative.  If your family hurts you, you had no control over their presence in your life.  If a friend brings you harm, you brought them into your life & can make them leave as well.  To me friendship is about freewill, choice & control, three things I will do my best to hold onto for as long as possible.

That's my take on the friendship thing as muddled as it was.


PS:  Self portrait of my roomie

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Place...

I am continuing with the blog challenge & today's part was in regard to your favorite place.  I can get difficult on this one:

  • I like being home, but get wanderlust easily
  • I love travelling, but get tired of the actual process
  • I like people watching, but I'm not really a fan of most people
  • I like oddity spots, but not when they're overrun with tourists
  • I like cities, but hate the noise
  • I like small towns, but despise the lack of things to do
  • I am outdoorsy, just don't ask me to anything outdoorsy

As I said, I'm difficult.  It seems that I am one juxtaposition after another.  I am gay & loved the dance clubs, just not the people that usually hung out in them.  I usually wound up at hole in the wall, pool halls, where most of the clients were straight, bordering on redneck butch.  I loved this one after hours coffee house in Stillwater, but didn't care much for the coffee house crowd.  That's right I'm picky & difficult. 

I decided that I'd choose a place that I felt most at ease.  It's not a specific place but a type.  It's the type of place I'd retreat to as a kid to get away from everything.  The type of place I wish I lived near now.  I like moving water; creeks, streams or rivers.  I'm not nearly as much of a fan of lakes & oceans.  I like the woods.  I like wooded areas along rivers.  I like the trees, the smell of the earth & the sound of the running water.   I like to watch the animals that gather along banks.  

As a kid I'd spend hours wading in the shallows of creeks & rivers.  I'd catch crawdads (crayfish) & snakes.   I'd corral the small fish in the shallows & watch them dart away from me.  Being from Oklahoma, you were apt to find arrowheads or other pieces of shaped rock/flint along the waterways.  I liked wading, swimming, canoeing, tubing, sometimes you could even get me calmed down enough to fish.

For me the wooded waterway is my favorite place.  The serenity let me just be for a while.  I could get lost in it all.  We all need that sometimes.

Well, that's my favorite type of place, what's yours?


Friday, February 3, 2012

My Favorite Food...

Today's part of the blog challenge was regarding your favorite food.  I have a preference for the exotic & southern.  I am not a big fan of greens or grits, but I was raised with a lot of biscuits, chicken fried steak & gravy. I like things with a zing; BBQ, Cajun, Chinese, Indian, Thai.  If I can't get that then I shift to things like sea food, Italian or Mediterranean.  Basically, I like things with distinctive tastes.  Give me spices, herbs & acidity.

I've gotten more into these types of foods as I've grown older.  I'm not sure if my taste buds have matured or if the HIV has altered my preferences.  I do know that when I was first diagnosed, it was everything I could do to eat anything.  Things with muddled flavors actually grossed me out.  I went for things with sharp tastes.  So, yes, HIV can also affect the way you do & should eat.

As for my favorite.  I will go with the one I eat the most often.  I like Mexican, actually Tex-Mex.  I am not particularly talking about chain restaurant Tex-Mex.  Albeit, I am not opposed to Taco Mayo's crunchy tacos.  I am talking about the food I grew up eating & cooking in these parts.  A lot of people are surprised how much Mexican food that Oklahomans eat.    I like all your basic fare; tacos, tostadas, sanchos, chimichangas, salsa verde, churro beans, the yellow rice, arroz con pollo, etc...  I am not however a fan of tamales or Spanish rice.

I like to eat & cook Tex-Mex.  What's your favorite food.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fav Aminals...

Today's part of the challenge is to talk about you absolutely favoritist aminal in the whole wide world.  Yes, I am aware that I misspelled that.  This is not an easy one for me.

I like a lot of animals.  I am partial to foxes, bears, crows & owls.  I like cats of all sizes.  I grew up with dogs & horses.  There are a lot of animals I find interesting, even beautiful,  from a distance like snakes, spiders & sharks.  I think baby crocodiles are utterly cute, but then they go & do that grow up thing & it the cuteitude wears off PDQ.  I will limit my selection to those animals that have be part of my life.

  • I do like dogs, but they take more commitment & involvement than I am willing to make at this time in my life
  • Horse, see dogs but multiple by ten
  • Birds are nice, but not that responsive unless you get something like a parrot & then see the dog entry or something illegal like a crow, which BTW are wall-shooters when they do their business
  • Fish, I had fish & my fish collection exploded from one fresh water tank to a freaking menagerie of fresh & salt water types.  $$$ & I have cats
  • Rats are friendly, but they are very dependent & short lived, besides my roomie has a thing against rodents
  • Mice are weird & fairly non-responsive
  • Hamster are vicious little, furry vampires, I've had dozens & have been bitten by every one
  • Gerbils are the crash test dummies of the rodent world
  • Rabbits & chinchillas are nice but require a fair amount of maintenance 
  • Ferrets are toe biters & can be cranky
  • I am not a fan of most reptiles as pets.  They are non-responsive, carry diseases & seldom, if ever, form any type of bond with their owners.
  • Same goes for hermit crabs.
  • Spiders...No thank you
  • I typically avoid all exotics.  They take a lot of care & $.  Quite often they are illegal.
  • My most hated animal is simple, I despise with an utter passion, monkeys.  They are disgusting, vicious little beasts

I may be leaving something out, but that's OK.  I know what I'll choose for my favorite animal.  I choose cats.  Cats suit my life & my needs.  I fairly much suit them.  I appreciate the nuance & independence of cats.  I do not like having clingy things in my life.  I like that cats come & go as they will. I like their attitude.  

There you have it, my favorite animals are cats.  What's yours?


PS.  Having cats or other animals in your life can bring a level of fulfillment or joy that may not have been there before.  Both of those qualities can make it easier for a person with a chronic ailment to get by in day to day life.  HIV can be stressful & sometimes animals can help calm you down.  Having companionship in your life is a good thing, whether it comes from people or animals.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I am undertaking a new blog challenge.  Well, I'm altering one to suit me.  It is actually a 30 day drawing challenge.  I've altered it to fit writing, not that it was that much of an alteration.  The first days's challenge was to draw oneself.  Instead, I shall describe, myself.  

45 Points About Me Or My Life

  1. I was born in northeast Oklahoma, in a town called Mudville
  2. At that point, I had many relatives there
  3. My grandparents owned a local grocery
  4. I broke my first bone when I was two
  5. I was the 1st grandchild in proximity for three years
  6. I was my mother's fifth child & my father's first
  7. My parents were both heavy drinkers, who fought habitually & violently
  8. I've been around animals all my life
  9. When I was 8, they divorced
  10. I am the oldest boy & a middle child, of seven siblings
  11. We have never all lived together
  12. I have dozens of cousins, none of which I'm close to
  13. We moved a lot
  14. I had numerous schools & got used to being the new kid
  15. My mother left us with others places quite frequently, by 13, my mother had abandoned us
  16. Unfortunately she showed back up periodically
  17. I retreated into reading & listening to old albums & 45's
  18. I lived on my own for over half my teen years
  19. I've worked just about everything job you can in fast food
  20. I liked the music scene of the 80's
  21. I lived a month in Salt Lake with my father when I was 16
  22. I went to a lot of concerts
  23. I attended 3 colleges/universities
  24. I used college as a place to escape
  25. My grandparents forfeited on paying for my college
  26. I started out a business major, got an AA in humanties
  27. I have minors in English & Anthropology, a major in Sociology
  28. I have graduate degrees in Sociology & Education
  29. I have had very little contact with my family past 1986
  30. I became a club person, for years I was there nightly
  31. I am gay
  32. I am white of  Native American descent
  33. I can say a handful of words in Cherokee
  34. I've lost contact with almost everyone I knew in college
  35. I moved to where I live to help a friend, same said friend later bailed & here I still am
  36. About 7 years ago my father made contact
  37. He lives in Texas, we talk by phone, I won't ever trust him with anything inportant
  38. My mother passed when I was 44
  39. I was relieved at the news of her passing, that chaos was dead
  40. I'm not a fan of extreme weather
  41. I have cats
  42. I live with a room mate
  43. I am on disability
  44. I am HIV +
  45. I am a blogger
Those are 45 things about me.  Care to make your own list?
