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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Birthday, HIV Day whatever... Again...

Should I use...

Or should I use...

Either is accurate today.  Today is the first anniversary of my blog.  Hooray for me & my blog, we made it this far.  Today is also my HIV-Day.   The 12th to be exact.   On this day back in 2000, I found out that I was +. I may have been for who knows much earlier than that, but January 03, 2000 was my official HIV-Day.  It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Since that day, I have gone through a lot, some good, a lot not so much.  I won't focus on all of that today.  Today I will celebrate & make another commitment.  I celebrate the fact I kept this blog going.  I applaud myself & all those who helped me still be here 12 years later.  I give thanks to all those people/programs that made this possible.

I have decided to commit myself to this blog & my facebook page for another year.  I may alter how I post or the quantity, but I will continue to post consistently.  Possibly a bit more relevantly & less short posts.  Perhaps, I will do ABC challenges with my blog or some other form of writing.  I don't yet, but I will write.  

I know this isn't some super star blog with thousands of readers, but for those of you who do read this, I wish you a tremendous new year & all the hope & luck the world has to offer in whatever endeavors you decide to undertake in 2012.  I'll close with two videos.


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