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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Letter I...

I have written about the "I" word, Isolation before, but it does merit more discussion.  Isolation is the state of being separated from something else.  For + people it can be devastating.  I live in a rural area & as I've said there are next to no resources available for a + person.  A lot of people still believe that HIV is some form of divine retribution. 

Isolation can lead to depression.  Depression can affect your state of mental & physical health.  This added burden can be exacerbate an already fragile health situation.  Isolation can be very stressful & that stress can/will have a negative effect on your health, especially if your immunity is already compromised.  

It is seriously in your best interest to keep your interactions with others as active & ongoing as possible.  I know that isn't easy.  Especially if you're already isolated.   If you are religious, there are churches.  If you live in a large area, there might be support groups you can attend.  There may organizations in your town that you can join that have nothing to do with being HIV.   Perhaps there are online communities you can frequent.   We are social animals & we need contact.

It's up to you, to try & keep yourself from slipping into the cracks.  Believe me, I know how crappy & impossible that sounds.  I don't have the answers on this one.  I can barely keep this going in my own life & I'm often not doing that well with it.  That doesn't mean that I don't know how important it is.  Good luck.


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