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Friday, January 13, 2012

The Letter J...

"J" is the letter for today & the word is Joy.   To experience pleasure or happiness or contentment.  That is what joy is but to a different level..  To me joy is more subtle than happiness, deeper than your typical pleasure & less mundane than contentment.

Joy is something in you that wells up  & can hardly be explained or expressed.  A lot of people associate being joyous with a religious experience.    I suppose it can be, but it's not limited to that.  I think joy is more about being spiritual than religious.  

I can do things that make me happy, but joy seems to be more elusive.  Joy, like happiness, may be fleeting, but it can leave an indelible mark on us & our lives.  Some people find their joy in their children, some in gardening, some in singing. 

Every spring in this area, for a few days there are these tiny, pale purple flowers, that for some reason make me smile.  These flowers aren't even an half inch across, but the carpet the lawn with a soft beauty for a few days & then they're gone.  Most people would probably call them a weed, but not me, I call them a very remarkable, jubilant announcement that spring is here.  I count myself very fortunate when I get to see those flowers.  It's like those impatient daffodils sticking their heads up through the snow.  Or the single redbird roosting on a limb in the vast gray winter landscape.  Lightning bugs in the summer, kittens rolling with a piece of paper or a hummingbird just flying by, these are things that bring joy into my life.  I'm getting all Sound of Music here with the favorite things I'm listing, but they are joyous to me.

Having joy in your life is a necessity.  If you have no joy, then you aren't really living.  Where do find your joy?  What makes you heart sing?  What lets you know for just a moment that everything is right with the world?  I wish you all joy & what it can bring to your life.


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