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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Letter G...

"G" & Grateful are the choices for today.  Being grateful is to appreciate something, often in an expressive manner.  I know I talk about this one a lot, but in my opinion, being grateful is fundamentally important to surviving this life with or without being +.  I am a firm believer in certain platitudes.

  • Things can always get worse
  • Someone has it worse off than me
  • Things tend to come back around
I hate TV shows when the characters ask, "what else could go wrong?"  There is always something else that can go wrong.  I think that kind of questioning invocation is just the type of thing you should never do if you don't want to see how things can get worse.  

No matter where I stand in life, I do my best to be grateful for what I have.  Some times I can be a real Debbie-Downer on this one, but I do know that I have a lot to be grateful for in my life.  I do not have children dependent upon me.  I am not homeless.  I have my meds.  All the while, there are many people out there far less fortunate than myself, whether they're + or not.

I do think things tend to come back around like a boomerang.  I believe that if you are kind & gracious, the world is more apt to be so to you in return.  Likewise, I believe that if you constantly show your ass & refuse to be grateful for anything, those things too will come back into your life.

Instead of focusing on all those things you don't have, take some time & focus on those things that you do have in your life.  They may not be everything that you want or need, but you do have them.  I believe a lot of things in this life are like the inhabitants of the Island of Misfit Toys from Rudolph.   Most things, people included, just what to feel needed, wanted  & included.  

What are you grateful for?  What have you taken for granted?  Take a moment & take stock of your life & you may be pleasantly surprised of what is there.  If not, it may be time to consider making alterations in your situation.  Have a great day.


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