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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Letter T...

Today's "T" is Tire.  To grow weary, fatigued, exhausted or even just impatient.  That is the topic of this entry & not those things that let car wheels go round.

I have to say that besides the outright sickness of being + there are three things that really bother me about HIV a physical sense.  I have had a significant weight gain associated with HIV weight issues due to some meds.  My hair has vanished & my complexion is shot.  Even more annoying  is the fact of being tired.

I tire easily these days.  Here goes the old person rant.  When I was in college, I didn't have a car & if I wanted get some where I usually had to walk.  I used to work at a convenient store about 2.5 miles from my dorm & I walked there every time I had to work.  I never really noticed it.  I couldn't do that now.  

Now a days, if I want to do something like weed-eat the fence, I have to break it into small sections & do it as I can.  Thankfully, the battery on the weed-eater usually dies out about the same time as I do.  I can do roughly 10 - 20 of moderate exertion before I'm feeling about ready to fall over. That's depressing.

What's worse though is the times, I'm going along just fine & then it feels like someone unplugged me.  This happens a fair bit when I'm doing light things like shopping or cleaning.  One second I'm doing well & the next I feel utterly exhausted.  It's like someone stole my batteries.

Then there are the days even with good sleep, I just don't have any energy.  I can't focus & I am generally useless until it passes.  I hate those days.

HIV changes a lot in your life.  One of them for me, is being tired a lot more than I should be.  Combine that with my fidgety nature & you get some interesting days.  Fidgety combined with exhausted usually turns into frustration.  There isn't much I can do about it, except wait for it to pass.  I have to accept that this is my life now & have to plan things accordingly.

There are things physically & otherwise that exhaust me.  If I can, I try to avoid them.  Being exhausted is not good for your health.  What exhausts you?  How often do you inexplicably tire?  Have you looked into it yet?


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