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Monday, January 2, 2012


This is the very last day of my blogging year.  Tomorrow this blog will be one year old.  I made it an entire year.  I posted everyday.  OK, some of the posts were a little thin or lacking, but I never committed to the posts being verbose or award winning.  I committed to writing in this blog everyday & I have accomplished that goal.  I kept last years resolutions with this blog & Facebook entries.

I haven't quite decided what my resolutions, if any, I'm taking this year.  I may keep the one's I had & just try to alter them a bit.  Regardless, I'm really not considering it the beginning of the year until my HIV Day.  I will be 12 this year.   That is a little over a quarter of my life I have been +.  I really didn't think I'd be here this long.

Enough for now.  I will figure my plans for the new year & this blog & post about them tomorrow.  Happy number 365 day to me.  Somehow that is adding up to 371 posts, I must've gotten ambitious some days.


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