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Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Letter L...

Let is the "L" word I'm going with today.   The word has a few meanings, but the one I'm taking here is the action of allowing, permitting or not prohibiting an action or event.  I could've gone with a lot of other word like, like or love or even lose or lotto, but I choose this one.

Let is a word of permission.  I let my child go to the movies today.  My boss let me go early. It denotes a  level of power being displayed, whether by a person or an entity, like the weather allowing a bride to have an outdoor wedding.

One of the most powerful lyrics ever written, was to Beatles' song,  Let It Be.  It was written by Paul, though credited to both him & John.  It was on the last album the group made together.  It was when the band was disintegrating & Paul finally came to the idea of not fighting the split & simply letting it be.  

You might think that was nihilist of him.  But, why should he have beat his head against the wall in such a hopeless cause, Lennon was already out the door?   His action wasn't passive, it was active.  He choose to let it be, to let it go.  To save his energy for other things in his life.  You can't say he hasn't done well with his life.

There are a lot of things in our lives that we should just let be.  We can't control people or even change them, but we can let it be & walk when things call for it.  I've had people who left my life & when I was younger I used to try to understand or even get them back.  Even if it worked, it wasn't the right thing to do, at least ways not for me.  I should've let the door close & looked for the next opportunity.

Many of us fight things we can't overcome.  We go all Quixote on the matter & we're bound to fail.  Sometimes the windmills were tilting at, just aren't that important.  Maybe they are the way they should be & it's us who needs to change.  No disrespect to President Theodore Roosevelt, but sometimes going around is a perfectly good option & should be exercised.

Robert Heinlein said, "Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your & annoys the pig."  It is not in the pig's nature to sing, so let the pig be a pig.  Teaching a pig to sing is as impossible as deciding not to be + once you're diagnosed.  You can't do it.  All you can do, is let it be, let yourself be & move on with your life.


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