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Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Letter P...

A prominent, purple "P" brings the word, Promise.  I am looking at a person specific version of this word.  The act of declaring an action, to take a vow or an oath.  I am not looking at some level of potential, as in her career looked so promising.

I, on the whole, do not like promises. The hell you say, right?  I pretty much distrust them & the people who make them.  People take promises too lightly & make vows they have no intention of keeping.  A lot of the time they make promises they can't even hope to keep, it's just not within their ability to do so.  There are barely noticed wedding vows, promises to play fair & not cheat.  There are doctors who promise to bring your loved one out of surgery as good as new.

Why get married if you aren't going to respect the marriage?  Not that I'm pro-matrimony, but no one's forcing most of you to get married, so why take the vow.  Why cheat at a game?  You'll never get the full experience of it if you do.  A doctor should know that any one can die during any surgery.  Still, these words were spoken & expectations were allowed.

I am the type of person that doesn't really expect anything out of anyone until they tell me to.  Don't make me promises you can't keep.  I won't forgive or forget.  Don't tell me you'll be somewhere at eight & then pull a no-show.  Promises & the like set expectations.  Expectations allow us to build plans & hopes in our lives.  When a person breaks their word to you, everything centered on the promise & the trust you had in this person is damaged, if not destroyed.  Don't make me any promises.  I probably wouldn't believe you anyway.

Then there are those people who try to make you swear oaths or give them assurances.  I won't do it.  I will not be forced to make a promise.  Any oath taken under duress isn't worth the air it took to utter it.  No one has the right to force a promise out of you.  Some situations require being sworn in & they're usually something you can avoid unless you choose to undertake them.  (Court may be an exception.)  If you choose to be sworn into office, accept marriage vows, take professional oaths, etc... then honor them or get out.

What do promises have to do with being +?  There are a lot of promises made to people.  Many young people are led to believe that HIV is rare or that they aren't the type of people to get HIV.  Many people are told about "Safe Sex", when in fact, there really is only, "Safer Sex".   Many media adverts make it sound like even if you are +, the meds are out there & you will live a perfectly normal life on them.  Television makes it sound like there are all these agencies out there just jumping at the chance to help you once you're diagnosed as +.  Nearly every HIV promise or media promotion had been flawed, erroneous or utterly fictitious.  The only thing that is true, is that if you have sex or engage in other behaviors/actions that expose you to bodily fluids, then there is always a chance of becoming +.

I really don't like promises. Don't make them to me & don't ask for them from me.  I believe that every promise you break takes a toll on you & your credibility.  Just don't make them.

Ala Naked Eyes

You made me promises, promises,
Knowing I'd believe,
Promises, Promises,
You knew you'd never keep...


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