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Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Letter R...

My "R" word is Rest.  When you rest, you stop or at least pause your actions & exertions while seeking some bit of relaxation or relief.    Rest is a highly undervalued thing.  Many feel insulted if they're asked if they need to take a rest & they're even more offended if required to actually take one.

In life, rest, relaxation, peace & quiet are immensely important, especially if you are ill.  When you're ill, you need your strength to heal or just persevere.  I'm not just talking about sleeping.  I'm talking about taking a break from all the tedium & noise of the day.  We rarely notice the immensity of the sounds around us.   How many there are or how loud & discordant they can be.   As a people, we are highly over-stimulated.  There lights, sounds, tasks to be done, people making demands, anxieties, caffeine, etc...  

The world is constantly fraying at our nerves & senses.  Most of the time we can handle this.  Some of us  even welcome it.  But there are moments or longer when we need a time out from all the stimulus, time to rest, to catch our breath.   

Rest is a big business, there are spas, b&b's, calming CD's, masseurs, medications & a host of other relaxation products.  Some go as far as total sensory deprivation.  How do you relax?  When do you take time to recharge?

Take some time & go to the most peaceful place you can.  Deal with as much of light & sound as possible.  Take a relaxing bath.  Whatever it takes to get you to a state where you can let yourself just rest & heal.

There are those that seem to do their best to make sure we can't rest.  They tend to be greedy or at least needy people.  Others may fear what we'd be capable of if ever fully rested & at the top of our game.

Above my meds & my doctors, rest has been the most healing for me as I have lived with being +.  When I can't rest, I can feel myself become more listless & unhealthy.  To me rest is more valuable than gold, I can't live without it.  How often do you take breaks?  How deeply do you rest?  Are you ever at peace?


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