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Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Letter S...

"S" is for Sanity or the soundness of mind & being.  Sanity is hard enough to keep in good supply when you're healthy.  Try doing it when you're ill.   Life is a series of hurdles to test you endurance, capability & sanity.  We all have our little things that set us off & larger ones that can send us into a tailspin.

My kitchen sink is acting up & it needs to be replaced.  Normally, I could do this, but because of the "rigging" that went into it, I'm opting not to touch it.  That means a plumber is going to have to be called to deal with it.  Oh great, another expense & potential disaster.  Well, it will cost some, but it shouldn't be a disaster, after all it's just a leaky sink. But the sink isn't really a sink, it's a straw.  One of those proverbial straws that add up & finally break the camel's back, better known as your sanity.

There are things you need to help keep your sanity.  The first of those is safety.  You need to feel that you are not imminent danger or risk.  This just makes life easier & far less taxing.  It also lets you sleep at night.  A safe place is pertinent, if not always easy.

Shelter is the second. We need a place to protect us.  Not only from the elements, but from the threats & tensions of life.  Shelter isn't just about a physical place, it's also about the atmosphere of the places where we spend our time.

We need security in our lives.   Security in the knowledge that some things will be there for us.  We need to know we have the means to pay our bills.  We need the assurance that our cars will work, our jobs will be there, our health is alright, etc...

I've talked about the fourth one a lot.  Stressors must be avoided or eliminated as much as possible.  If your clutter is overwhelming you, get rid of it.  If your house needs repairs, do the best you can to get it done.  If you have people in your life causing you stress then send them on their way.

Finally, we all need support.  My roomie does this better than I do.  Over the years, my support system has evaporated.  I don't have one outside my current situation.  I hate that & so does my roomie.  Not sure what I'm going to do about it.  You need people in your life for support, not just financially, but emotionally as well.

Those are my five S's of sanity.  I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's a start.  How's you sanity doing these days?


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