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Monday, January 9, 2012

The Letter F...

Today's "F" word is Frugal.  This is a word that we hear a lot in these economic times.  It means to be sparing or economical when it come to $ or other resources.   Some similar words are thrifty, sparing, careful or prudent.  What this word does not mean is cheap.  Being cheap is not the same as being frugal.  

You must consider your resources, be it time, $, stress tolerance, emotional or physical well-being, etc...  Then you have to take into account those things you want/need in your life; food stuffs, mortgage, cars, friends, entertainment, etc...  There will almost never be enough to be able to do everything you want at any given time. You have to  prioritize & plan for things if you're going to be frugal.  

Being frugal with $ is the for usually the most obvious form of the word.  But what of time & stress levels? What do you do when you have 37 hours worth of stuff to do & only a 24 hour day to do it?  Figure out what is absolutely necessary.  What can be postponed?  What can you do without?  Can you ask anyone for help?  Would a planned order of action help out to keep you from becoming overwhelmed?  Some people's problem isn't with money, but with committing to more than they can handle.  Not knowing when to say enough or when to say "No."  

When you are +, every little resource has to be accounted for & used sparingly.  We are not as healthy as we were.  Many of us tire quickly & can frustrate easily due physical & emotional exhaustion.  A lot of + people have to restructure their entire lives just to afford to get by from month to month.  They have to say," hey, I don't really need that extra, large, cafe, mocha latte, yah yah."  I can make it myself at home for a fraction of the price & calories.  Maybe I should consider getting a $20 a month Netflix subscription instead of spending $15 to see one movie at the theater.

I said earlier, being frugal isn't being cheap.  I used to wear black loafers to work.  I usually paid about $60 - 70 a pair.  They lasted nearly forever, I think I still have a pair from 90's.  My friends would knock me for spending so much on a pair of loafers when I could've got them for $20 at Payless.  I've gotten a few pairs from Payless & the outcome was always the same.  I barely got six months out of them before they fell apart.  This is where I steal from Clinton & Stacy from TLC's,  What Not To Wear.   When I paid $20 for a pair of loafers that lasted me six months.  The cost was actually $3.33/month.  However, the $60 pair that I actively wore for over five years with little sign of wear was less than $1 month.  The costlier shoe was actually the more economic one.  The $20 shoe was just cheap, not frugal.

What resources do you have in your life that are being strained?  What can you do without or at least do without right now?  What are you willing to do to make your life more frugal & therefore less stressful?


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