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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day...

The year has begun anew.  How did it start?  With a missing trashcan.  I went to take out the trash & there was no can to be seen.   I looked for it in the yard.  I thought that as windy as it last night it might've gotten blown out into the street.  I looked around the area & no sign of my MIA trashcan.  I tell my roomie it's gone & we decided to go out & get another one.   We'd even stop by Bestbuy  & check in on the "awesome" sale they had going on.  My roomie opted for us to pick up Chinese on the way home.  How did this go?

Some how, after all the searching, the trashcan appears in the backyard.  I don't know if I missed it or someone tossed it back over the fence.  But, I know I looked in that backyard for the trashcan & it wasn't there.  Still we opt to go, after we were dressed & motivated, so we went.

Bestbuy's idea of a sale leaves something to be desired.  I got an open-box mini-stereo there a couple of years ago that normally went for $60 USD & I got it for $30.  They said they had open-box Kindle Fires, so we went to check out the prices they wouldn't show me online.  I was expecting at least they'd be down to at lesat $150, after all they were open-box, returns & display models.  That was not the case, the remarkably generous people at Bestbuy knocked a whole 10% off the Kindles.  Woohoo, I'd save $19.99, hell that barely covers gas for the trip.  I did not get a Kindle Fire today.

Trashcan out, Bestbuy out, but there was still Chinese at the mall.  I circled the mall parking lot for quite some time trying just to find a parking space.  Then I ran in, only to find that none of the food places would be open for another hour & that the Chinese place would not be open at all.  Strike three, you're out.

We finally ate at Panera's & headed home.  There are still black-eyed peas to served & pie to be eaten.  It was a little frustrating, but we were out the house for a while & none of it was really anything that was a must have item.  

Hope your year is starting off well.


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