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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cya 2011...

I have to admit, I am among the many who will be happy to see 2011 in the rear-view mirror.  I mean it just wasn't a good year for a lot of folks, no matter where you were in the world. Between the continued warring, horrid weather & even worse economics, 2011 was not a picnic.

I have to wonder what it must be like to the year that every one is so incredibly glad to be past.  What is it like to be a disdained year?  What it's like to 2011, or the year of the stock market crash, or the year a world war started, etc...?   I mean, it must absolutely suck to be 2011 in comparison to some year like 1776 for the USA or even the Summer of Love 1969.

I will do my best to make my peace with 2011.  

  • I am thankful you are about over, but you gave me something to compare other years to
  • I learned I can survive a hellish year of weather
  • I know what it's like to replace a hot water heater
  • I know what it's like to have a frozen pipe fixed
  • I know about insurance issues
I could on, but I think I've made my point.  I have to admit there's already some things I am not looking forward to in 2012.  There is another round of craziness lurking in regards to another doomsday story.  There are the Olympics &  how can we forget in the USA it is an election year, yippie!

To 2011, I wish you a happy retirement wherever it is that years go after they've passed.   To 2012, I hope you bring better tidings than your predecessor.  I don't think I can stand many more life lessons.

Happy New Year's Eve


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