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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I am not a person that gives out compliments at the drop of a hat.  However, I do feel when someone has done something noteworthy they should be acknowledged, including oneself.   My roomie has gotten a couple of compliments from me lately.

The first one was aimed at her new endeavor of improvisational or visceral artwork.  We've been watching, Work of Art, on Bravo lately.   Quite frankly we have not been overly impressed with a lot of the pieces being produced by these artists.  My roomie has gotten into using the tiny program MS Paint to do very limited pieces.  She's limited by the programs lack of functions & the fact she rarely spends more than half an hour on them.  IMO, the pieces she's produced in this manner have been on par & often better than those produced by the artists on the show.

The next point of praise came when she endeavored to improve her own situation   My roomie's mobility is somewhat limited.  She decided to look for an aid in this issue & began looking for one her insurance would cover.  Now this effort has proven to be more arduous than expected, not to mention complicated.  Yet, she has continued to push forward on the matter.  I have no idea what the outcome is going to be, but at lest she took the initiative to improve her situation.  That's more than a lot of people would do.

There are two things I have given compliments on lately.  Who or what have you acknowledged recently?  Was it a real compliment or just flattery?


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