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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Last Month Anniversary...

Today is the the eleventh month anniversary of the this blog.  Another woohoo for me.  I made it this far.  One more month & I will have made it an entire year.  I have kept up with my news year's resolutions.  I have posted to this blog & I have posted at least something to facebook everyday.  

Lately, my posts here have been short & centered on health & weather, but they're still posts.  My facebook postings tend to stay to some shares of political stuff I'm interested in, LOL pics & just the occasional commentary.  Right now, I'm posting holiday songs.

I am looking forward to the year mark for this blog.  I'm not sure what I'll do then, but I will at least know that I could do this much.  This is a helluva commitment for me.

Have a good one


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