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Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Week & Counting...

The countdown continues & Christmas nears with less than one week to get here.  The children must be leaping madly about waiting for the day they can tear into their goodies.   Within two weeks we will have lived through another round of holidays from Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years & even my roomie's birthday, she'll be 52.  Well give or take a bit on that number.

Whatever day or days you do recognize, I hope they are pleasant for you.  May you make cherished memories to carry with you.  Those are the things the holidays are really about.  It's not the religious points, commercialism or even the holiday specials.  It's those moments that we will recall about this time of the year ten, twenty or more years from now.  This is when traditions & history are made.  This is what you will tell your friends & family about down the line.  So make it a good year & pay attention to every detail you can.  

Have a great season.

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