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Friday, December 23, 2011

A Little Prevention...

A bill is running late getting to me, so I ran to the mail center to see if it had come in for me, of course it hadn't.  However, I did notice that one of the tires on the van was a bit low & decided to run down to the mechanic & get it looked at.   My roomie may have to drive this holiday weekend & I didn't want to leave her stranded somewhere with a flat.

I waited for 30 minutes surround by one less than intelligent father & his two rambunctious boys.  I am not a fan of children to begin, but when a fairly useless parent is involved, I'm even less tolerant.  Here, I am, just trying to get my tires looked at & now I have to his kids wailing & him whining to someone else about his child support payments & how they're eating him alive.  Hah, if only.  If they had, he wouldn't have been there  in the first place & I wouldn't have had to heard him or his kids.

They found nothing wrong with the tires, but told me if it goes low again to come back.   Hopefully it won't go low again or it will at least wait until Tuesday, my mechanic's shop will be closed on Monday.  It may not have solved much, besides getting some air in a tire,  but at least there was an active effort to avoid a flat & some reassurance that the tire should at least make it through the weekend.

Now time for the PSA, "Remember to always check your tires before a long drive or holiday weekend."


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