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Monday, December 12, 2011


I love plans, they make my little Virgo mind go through life so much easier.  What I don't like is when plans go awry.  Now these attempts to organize the chaos of life into an orderly manner can be sabotaged by many factors.  You may forget to include some elements into your plan.  Some things in life are difficult, if not impossible, to account for in any strategy.  These things are annoying.  What I really hate is when it seems that some outside force/person/entity has decided to get it's jollies by screwing with your plans.  That bites.

In my household, we have to plan for just about everything.  Both of us are on disability & that limits the cash flow drastically.  This last year has been a testament to the unexpected things; a fairly new water heater dying, a less than two year old computer dying, a pipe freezing, car issues, dental difficulties, etc...  I could go on to with a virtual plethora of other issues, but why beat a dead horse.

I guess the point of this post is quite simply put, I am looking forward to the end of the year & hoping against hope that 2012 is better for us than 2011 was.  Here's to the new year.


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