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Friday, December 16, 2011

Another Friday...

Only two more Fridays left in this year.  The whole thing is coming to a close.  Are you ready for the Holidays?  I am.  That all got finished up yesterday.  Woohoo for us.  The only thing left is for the roomie to actually go to her celebrations & deliver all the goodies.

Normally, I'm a bit weirded out by the passing of the year.  Not this one.  I know there's no guarantee that 2012 will be any better.  There's even another end of the world prophesy, but's it's got to beat 2011. This year was rough in so many ways.  I'd like a year of not so much hellish weather, mass breakage & other crappy stuff.

So, get you're wishes for the new year in order.  Plan out those resolutions.  In the mean time have fun with the holiday stuff.


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