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Friday, December 9, 2011

Carol Gripes...

I had decided to post a holiday song every day after Thanksgiving until Christmas to my facebook page.  That seemed easy enough.  Hah, perhaps even double hah.  I can't locate half the songs I would like to post & even I can locate them they're some screwed version of the song.  I keep finding instrumentals when I want vocals.  I find orchestral & choral when I want stripped down &/or solo.  Then we get into all the newbies taking their shots at holiday classics.   Yuck.  OK people, nobody with any sense wants to hear a rapped out version of Rudolph.  I don't care what Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood want, I want the  classic versions of the songs not theirs.  

I'm off to try & find a song to post for today.  Wish me luck or at least happy hunting.  The good carols are scarce.


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