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Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Is Here...

December is here & the year is drawing to a close.  This edges us closer to the various holidays.  I hope everyone has a good holiday season.   Here's hoping the best for the month,

Today is World AIDS Day.  It's be going on for over thirty years.  This year's theme & those for the foreseeable future is, "Getting to Zero."  A noble goal, I'm not sure how feasible, but still a good aim.

A lot of people are speaking out on HIV today.  The President of the US wants to kick more $ into HIV/AIDS issues.  It's needed.  NYC has decided that any one found to be + should be on meds immediately instead of waiting for their immune system to take a nose dive.  I believe San Francisco took a similar stance a while back.

Whether you seek to celebrate Feast Day, World AIDS Day or the tribute to Rosa Parks from the national transit system, I hope you have a great day.


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