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Saturday, December 10, 2011


It takes a while but once the weather settles down I can usually get used it.  I'm starting to adjust to the cold weather & it isn't nearly as bothersome as it was a week ago, even though it's actually colder.  I doubt I'll ever be a big fan of cold weather, but after this Summer, the cooler weather is a relief.

Colder weather means several things for me:
  • Having to keep the house as winterized as possible
  • Leaving the faucets dripping at night
  • Making sure there's unfrozen  water for the outdoor cats
  • Leaving bedding for the outdoor cats
  • Celebrating the diminished flea/bug population
  • Fighting off any rodent invasions
  • Digging out & piling on the blanket/afghan arsenal
  • Adjusting to cats lounging/sleeping on/with you
  • Back to drinking hot tea

Those are just some of the adjustments that come with the colder weather.   Hope you all are adjusting to the chill.


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