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Monday, December 26, 2011

Post Christmas....

I am weirdly more festive today than I have been all season long.  Go figure.  I guess the best thing about today was that I got to go shopping without having the grocery side of Wally World crowded with seasonal amateurs.  The store may have been sold out of a lot of things, but it was nice to go down the aisle without people dawdling like they've never shopped for groceries ever.

I am not the most patient person, especially not when it comes to shopping.  I want to get in & get out.  I am not one of these people that enjoys spending time at Wal-Mart.  I don't get it & don't want to.  I just want to get my groceries, go home & unload them.  This is a practical thing for me, not a social event.

So, I am happy for today, Happy Post Christmas.


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