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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Solstice...

The Solstice is upon us & a Happy Yule to all.  This is the day when the dark of the year begins to recede into the light.  The Holly King gives way to the Oak King.   In other words the days are going to start getting longer.  Soon, it won't be dark at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I, by far, dislike the dismal of Winter more than the frigid weather.

For those of you unfamiliar with Yule, it's a Pagan tradition out of the Germanic areas.  It is where we get many of our modern customs.

    • The Yule Boar became the Christmas Ham
    • Yule Singing became Caroling
    • The Yule Goat became a set of Reindeer
There is of course the Yule Log among other other traditions.  It is important to notice that there are many Winter Solstice observances around the world.  From Japan to the Arctic regions, there are traditions for this time of the year.  From the burning of clocks to the festivals of lights.  It would seem every culture has their own way of looking at & celebrating the Winter Solstice.

Be mindful of those who may have differing customs than your own.  You wouldn't want them laughing or criticizing yours.   Whatever holiday(s) you observe, may they be joyful.


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