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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Slept Well...

Last night was slightly stormy  & the dew point dropped out of the 70's F into the low 60's.   It was a little chilly, but just perfect for sleeping.  It really is amazing how much more together I feel after a good night's sleep.  This isn't just about the length of time I slept either.  Equally important is how deep I slept.  Too light of a sleep & I wake up feeling tired & needing more rest.  However, too deep & I wake up feeling like a zombie.

We're aware of the need to sleep, yet many, if not most, fail to get adequate sleep.   You can Google or Wiki, sleep deprivation for specifics on the matter, but the gist of it is that we need sleep.  This article  discusses HIV & issues with sleep.

HIV can affect your ability to sleep in many ways.  It can lead to stress over the illness & finances.  The virus itself can interfere with sleep.  Several meds have been shown to interrupt  sleep.  HIV can be so hard on the body that it's just difficult to rest.

This lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, insomnia & depression.  These factors can lead to further degraded physical health & stamina.  This can drastically alter your body's ability to cope with HIV.  It's a vicious circle.  HIV affects your sleep, your lack of sleep impacts your HIV.  If you are having ongoing sleep issues you seriously need to talk to your doctor.  This is your health we're talking about.


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