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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Not Much...

Shifted the shopping day to today, instead of tomorrow.  One of our box fans is dying a slow, squeaky death.  Another victim of the summer heat.  I have to say though, it was somewhere between 5 & 8 years old.   That makes it about a $2 - $3 yearly investment.  Not bad for a cheap fan.  The only thing bothers me is that the newer versions of the same fan are really wimpy things.   They don't have a lot of power & don't look like they'll last more than a few summers.  The older ones will definitely prove to be the better investment.  But every box fan I can find in my area is made by the same company & they're all sorta crappy.  Guess we'll just have to make do, until I can find something better.

Other than shopping & fan diversions today's been fairly nice & quiet.  Had to pull down some light blankets for the living room.  It's not cool enough yet to totally shut the house down, but things can get a bit nippy early in the day.  BTW, the cats totally think this was done just for them.  Fall is here.


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