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Sunday, September 30, 2012


No, that isn't an alien creature or some mechanized terror from the Matrix.  It's salmonella.   According to this article, it's a new & improved, ever-so-more deadly strain of the bacterium.  What does this have to do with HIV?  

Most of us realize HIV is not usually the culprit that kills the host.  Most people die when their body is to weak to fight off opportunistic infections or illnesses.   A common case of the flu can be deadly for someone who is + & untreated.

This bacterium took advantage of that & use it to spread across Africa & grow into a real monster.   The article states that 25% of the people with this strain died.  This bug developed along the same geographic path as HIV.  It used these + people's impaired immune systems to spread itself & to mutate into something quite deadly.  

HIV gave this version of salmonella its start & the bacteria has taken full advantage of it.  It's very serious problem for the continent & in time will probably spread to the rest of the world.  This is just 1 illness that has co-evolved with HIV, how many more are there?  How many more will there be?  Not treating HIV, will wind impacting the entire world, one way or another.

This was yet another scary article.


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