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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just Stupid...

This article discusses the death of a woman who was slain by a lover after he was made aware that the was +.   according to his statement, she didn't tell him until after they had been sexually active.   He stated, "She killed me, so I killed her."  Then he left the mess of stabbed corpse to be found by the woman's 2 young children after they returned home from school.

To begin with, we can't be sure when she told him she was +, because she can't tell us for herself,  Why is that, because he killed her.  Having HIV today is not a death sentence.  Even if she did tell him after the fact, there is no guarantee he was infected.  Even if he was, he could've survived.

This is a matter of responsibility.  She should have told him of here status before having sex  with him.  He should've asked of her status.  He should've worn a condom.  Even if she did conceal her status, he isn't completely free of responsibility here.  It is 1st & foremost every adult individual's  responsibility to themselves to insure their own safety & well being as much as feasibly possible.  This man did not, if he had he wouldn't have been so terrified of becoming + that he felt justified in killing this woman.

When it comes to contracting the virus, most people could've avoided becoming HIV +.  There are instances when it isn't something a person can prevent, but most of the time it was a matter poor judgement & decision making.  This man should just be shot, for what he did to her, her kids, the people who had to deal with his mess & even himself.  


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