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Friday, September 14, 2012


For those of you who might wonder what impact you have on the world around you, I've got a point to make.  Not to get all, It's A Wonderful Life, on you here, but our presence & actions do affect those  around us.  I've been writing my blog for about 18 months.   During this time, I've convinced myself I can be consistently committed to something.  

During my 1st year, I suggested to my roomie that she start blogging.  She did & has been for nearly as long as I have.   Her take on the matter is here.  

The point is that since I started blogging, I influenced someone else to do the same.  She eventually came to the same conclusion I did, she could be committed to something she choose to be dedicated to.  From our dedication to these blogs we have both found enough drive to start exercising.   We are both starting to lose weight & become healthier people.  It isn't a quick process, but it is an ongoing process.  One that we probably never would've considered engaging in if not for our blogs.

Recently, we've both been trying to find more of our own voice again.  Particularly in regards to our writing.   We've both entered a flash fiction contest, here.  Her's is The Secret Pocket & mine is entitled Tea Party.  Take a look if you'd like.  You might even enter it yourself.

The point is when I started blogging, I didn't think it would lead to me exercising or entering writing contests.  I really didn't expect it to lead to someone else doing the same.  And I have no way of knowing what impact my blogging has had on others directly or otherwise.  Whenever you doubt your impact on the world, stop & realize the impact may be subtle & unseen by your eyes, but that doesn't mean it isn't tremendous to someone else.


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