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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ANSAR Test..

Woke up awfully early to get to the doctor's office for my ANSAR.   It's some kind of autonomic nervous system monitoring device.   I've never had one of these before & I'm always weary of anything to do with the doctor's office, including him. I wasn't pleased that I had to be there at 8 AM, but I got there.

The test didn't last too long, about 20 minutes.   I was seated in a chair & the tech attached 3 leads to me, 1 on my left side & 2 on my chest.   Then it began.    To start I had to remain still & quiet for 5 minutes.  Then there was a minute of deep breathes & releases.  Then you rested.  Then there was a period of deep breaths that were held with stomach muscles tightened.  The tech said to imagine you were straining to go to the bathroom.  Then there was some more resting.  Then a 5 minute period of standing.  That was it.

Apparently some people are put on an incline, but I wasn't.  The test was non-invasive.  I just hate not having a doctor there right then to tell you your results.  I was told that my doctor would call me in a day or 2 if anything needed to be done.  If not I could wait until my next appointment to ask him about it.  Oh well, it's done.


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